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Get Started on Your Path to Recovery & Postural Awareness for a Unique Achievement!

Physical Therapist

Physical Therapy

The main philosophy of Marie is to give patients access to the best individualized care as possible, in order to treat rehab and prevent injuries. Patients are seen as unique individuals with their own history of traumatism, emotional stress, food habits, and their own level of athletic performance.
Marie will work along with the patient and their referring providers to develop a rehabilitative plan that produces the best results for each individual.  She uses the combination of what she describes as “our best tools” our hands to achieve pain free life. Through specific manual therapy assessment and treatment we emphasize the mobility realignment of the numerous different tissues and fascia of the human body. 
Osteopath at Work

Manual Therapy

Also known as “hands-on therapy,” it  is performed to restore joint mobility and function, improve soft tissue flexibility, and extensibility. That means no intimidating machines or equipment involved – just hands!

This technique is used as a way to relieve pain, reduce swelling, decrease restriction, improve range of motion, and mobilize joints. In order to do so, Marie will conduct targeted massages and points of pressure to the affected parts of your body, using biomechanical, structural, visceral and cranio-sacral stretches.

Osteopath at Work
Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy

Lymphoedema Managment

Lymphatic drainage is a therapeutic massage treatment. The massage uses very light pressure and long, gentle, rhythmic strokes to increase the flow of lymph and reduce toxins in your body. The lymph system is part of your body's immune system and helps fight infection.

Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy

Lymphedema Management

Lymphatic drainage is a therapeutic massage treatment. The massage uses very light pressure and long, gentle, rhythmic strokes to increase the flow of lymph and reduce toxins in your body. The lymph system is part of your body's immune system and helps fight infection. Marie will use different types of band and wrap your swollen limb with a certan pressure and direction in order for your edema to decrease and drain. She is among a couple of specialist in Chicago with that knowledge and skill.

Osteopath at Work

Postural Awareness

Postural awareness is the subjective conscious awareness of body posture that is mainly based on proprioceptive feedback from the body periphery to the central nervous system. You should aim to put your body in a position of power. When the human movement system is in proper alignment, stress is minimized on the tissues, muscles can produce force efficiently, breathing and circulation of bodily fluids are optimal. To put it simply, the body can function at its best! It requires years of experience, good sense of observation and special techniques to help the patient to re adjust the body posture and re learn how to function in its best way. Feeling good, looking good!

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